Category: year3

First Week Back!

Our new Year 3 class have had a super first week at school. With the school’s 70th birthday to celebrate, we have thrown ourselves into party planning. We have made party food, learned to play happy birthday on the glockenspiel, sung the song in French and Mandarin (!) and designed our own parties. We also …

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Year 3 Mosaics

Extra work at home!

In addition to our daily work, we have also been doing independent learning: cooking, litter picking, drawing and maths puzzles to name but a few!

P.E. at home

We  like  doing  online  exercises  at  home.  Some  of  us  have  written about  our  favourite  sports.

year 3 measuring fun

We had fun measuring in centimetres and millimetres.

Subtraction time

We selected six number cards between 0 and 9 and we investigated different ways to subtract one number from the other.  We had to identify which number was the largest.

We love coding!

We started off following two step instructions and then built up to four steps.  Some of us managed to find glitches too!

We had fun practising our tennis skills

We investigated whether rocks change when they have been in water

Cooking at home