Category: year3

End of Term Fun!

Year 3 have had a fabulous few weeks getting into the Christmas spirit. Alongside our lessons, we have been sewing Christmas decorations, creating pom-poms, designing and painting cards, learning about the Nativity story, and sparkling and shining in our Christmas performance. We also enjoyed our end of term extravaganza, with a pantomime, party and Christmas …

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Investigating soil

Year 3 investigated soil types yesterday afternoon, exploring it’s properties and how permeable different soil types were.  

Natural History Museum Trip

Year 3 have had a superb time exploring the Natural History Museum in South Kensington. After an excited coach ride up to London, the children explored the beautiful building and its many galleries. To link in with our Geography topic, we spent lots of time in the Earthquakes and Volcanoes gallery, where we braved the …

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Welcome to Bollywood!

In PE, Year 3 have been learning all about Bollywood dance. They have explored different pieces of music as well as mudras, levels and other elements of this dance style. After lots of hard work choreographing their routines, the class performed their dances this week to great acclaim. They worked brilliantly in their teams and …

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Staying Active!

Year 3 were lucky enough to work with the School’s Sports Partnership on a Stay Active session this week. Our teacher, Mr Harrington, taught us a brand new game: a faster-paced game of cricket! We worked in four teams to score the most runs and be the most effective fielders. We particularly enjoyed catching the …

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A Step Back In Time

As part of our topic on the Stone Age, Year 3 have been exploring palaeolithic and neolithic cave art. First, we studied some real-life examples, such as the Cave of Lascaux, and then explored how we could create animal figures using natural coloured oil pastels and charcoal. Next, we will create a watercolour background wash …

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Today’s Readers Are Tomorrow’s Leaders

In Year 3, we have been practicing our reading skills and fluency with our English text: Dr Xargle’s Book of Earth Hounds. We agreed on the qualities of a good reader, such as stopping at punctuation, emphasising exciting parts of a sentence, and reading ahead to know how our voices should sound. Then, we put …

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In Maths, Year 3 have moved on from learning about multiplication and division to start our topic on place value. We have been using lots of concrete manipulatives, such as base 10, arrow cards, and bead strings, to help us. We have then applied these skills to our learning in pictorial ways, such as using …

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As the children have settled and found their feet in Year 3, it has become clear that we have a class full of budding artists! From drawing to papercraft and everything in between, the children welcome any chance to flex their creative muscles. This week in our Art session, the children took on the challenge …

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Marvellous Multi-Sports Squad

Six children in our class participated in the School Sports Partnership’s first inter-school event since lockdown: the Year 3 and 4 Multi-Sports competition. The children tried their hand at a range of sporting activities, such as hockey, boccia (which they were very good at!), football, NERF darts and tri-golf. The children scored a wonderful 334 …

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