Category: year1

Alien’s in the wood!

Last week the children loved exploring the text Beegu, so we have carried it on this week. We took a walk out to our local woodland and imagined if our spaceship had landed in the woods… how would we feel? What would we do? Just like in Beegu, we spoke to the trees! We then …

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World Book Week in Year 1

To celebrate world book day at Greenfields we have had been participating in a mass of activities. We have done heaps of reading, including some shared reading with the Year 5 children. Our focus for the week has been Beegu, which the children have loved so much we are carrying it on next week! We …

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Stone Age cave dioramas.

Our theme this half term has been the Stone Age, we built up our knowledge of how people lived in the Stone Age and we used this to help us. First we planned what we wanted our caves to look like. Then we went outside to search for sticks, stones and leaves to include in …

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Parents Evenings

Year 1 parents’ evening appointments can be made for Tuesday 5th November and Wednesday 6th November. Please return your slips as soon as possible to make it more likely we can find a time best fitted to you. If none of the times are appropriate please speak to me and we can try to find …

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Spooky in Year 1

In the lead up to October half term we’ve been enjoying some crafty activities with pumpkins and ghosts, exploring different ways to produce art. We used stamping and made collages. Have a great break and see you all soon!

Michael Recycle.

At the start of the school year we were working around the theme ‘Sustainable Environments’, and Year One’s focus was recycling. Our text was ‘Michael Recycle meets Litterbug Doug’ and all of Year One loved the story. Coincidentally we then asked for bags of clothing to be sent in for ‘Recycle with Michael’ to support …

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Year 1 How to help.

Year 1’s How to Help session is on Monday 21st October at 2:45pm. Please try to attend as we will be covering a lot that will help you to help your children.